

Vishveshvaranand Vishwa Bandhu Institute of Sanskrit and Indological Studies

List of Research Publications

  1. G.A. Grierson's Linguistic Survey of India- A Summary, by Siddheshwar Varma, Part I (1972).
  2. G.A. Grierson's Linguistic Survey of India- A Summary, by Siddheshwar Varma, Part II (1973).
  3. G.A. Grierson's Linguistic Survey of India- A Summary, by Siddheshwar Varma, Part III (1976).
  4. Upanishad-Uddhara Kosa, by Vishva Bandhu (1972)
  5. New Varttikas to Panini's Grammar, by Vishva Bandhu and Munishwar Deo (1972).
  6. A Comparative and Critical Dictionary of Vedic Interpetations: A specimen, by Acharya Vishva Bandhu and S. Bhaskaran Nair (1972).
  7. A History of the Kerala School of Hindu Astronomy, by K.V. Sharma (1972).
  8. Bibliography of Kerala and Kerala-based works on Hindu Astronomy, by K.V. Sarma (1972).
  9. Yadava Inscription from Ambe Jagai, by Ajay Mitra Shastri (1972).
  10. Computation of True Moon by Madhava of Sangamagrama, ed. by, K.V. Sarma, Pp. 66 (1973).
  11. Decennial Index to the Vishveshvaranand Indological Journal, Vols. I-X (1963-1972) by K.V. Sarma (1973).
  12. Bibliography of Kautilya Arthashastra, by Ludwik Sternbach (1973).
  13. Ksudrakalpasutra with the Commentary of Shrinivasa, Cr. Ed. by B.R. Sharma (1974).
  14. Kangari- A descriptive study of the Kangra valley dialects of Himachal Pradesh, by Sham Lal Sharma.
  15. Sphutanirnayatantra of Acyuta with auto commentary (S.E.), Cr. Ed. by K.V. Sharma with Intro. and ten appendices, Pp. XXVI, 76 (1974).
  16. Bhasikasutra of Maharsi Katyayana with two commentaries, Cr. Ed. by Braj Bihari Chaubey (1975).
  17. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts of VVBIS&IS, Panjab University, Hoshiarpur, Vol. I, by B.R. Sharma (1975).
  18. Siddhantadarpana of Nilakantha, Cr. Ed. with Auto. Com., Intro., Trans. and App., by K.V. Sharma (1976).
  19. Computations Concerning Moon's Shadow by Nilakantha Somayajin (S.E.) Cr. Ed. by K.V. Sharma with Intro. Trans. Pp. XXVI, 31 (1976).
  20. True Longitude Computation on the Sphere of Zodiac according to Acyuta (S.E.), Cr. Ed. with Intro. Trans. and Appendices by K.V. Sharma, Pp. 42 (1977).
  21. Vakyapadiya-Sambandha-Samuddesha: A critical study by Virendra Sharma (1977)
  22. Tantrasangraha, Cr. Ed. with Two Coms., Intro. and 5 Appendices, by K.V. Sharma (1977).
  23. Jyotirmimamsa of Nilakantha Somayajin, Cr. Ed. with Intro. and 5 Appendices, by K.V. Sharma (1977).
  24. Panini and Elision, by Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  25. Dr. Siddheshwar Varma Felicitation Volume, Ed. by Dr. K.V. Sharma (1978).
  26. A Bibliography of the writings of Dr. Siddheshwar Varma, by Dr. K.V. Sharma (1978).
  27. Bengali, Assamese and Oriya : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  28. Bihari, Hindi and Rajasthani : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  29. Marathi and Gujarati : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  30. Sindhi, Lahenda and Punjabi : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  31. Pahari Language : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  32. Munda and Dravidian Languages : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  33. Dardic or Pishaca Language : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  34. Gipsy Languages : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  35. Bhil dialects : A linguistic analysis, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1978).
  36. Ganitayuktayah (Rationales of Hindu Astronomy), Cr. Ed. with Intro & Appendics, by K.V. Sharma (1979).
  37. Veda-Bhasyakarom ki Vedartha-Prakriyayem, by Ram Nath Vedalankar (1980).
  38. Bharati-Bhanam (Light of Indology): (Dr. K.V. Sharma Felicitation Volume), Ed. by Bhaskaran Nair (1980).
  39. Pandyakulodaya of Madalakavi, Cr. Ed. K.V. Sharma, with Translation, Historical Introduction and Appendices (1981).
  40. Studies in Tibeto- Himalayan Linguistics (A Descriptive Analysis of Pa¢¢ani). Ed. by D.D. Sharma, Pp. XXIV, 224 (1982).
  41. Vedic Myths in Social Perspective (Acharya Dr. Vishva Bandhu Memorial Lecutres) Ed. by S.A. Dange, Pp. XXI, 72, (1982).
  42. Kalidasadarpana, by Dr. S.P. Bhardwaj (1983).
  43. Ashvalayana Srauta Sutra, Part I, Ed. by R.S. Bawa (1986).
  44. Vishvamitra, Ed. by Dr. Braj Bihari Chaubey (1987).
  45. The Second Decennial Index to VIJ Vols. (XI-XX), Ed. by T.S. Bindra (1987).
  46. A Glossary of the Khasi, by Dr. Siddheshwar Varma (1989).
  47. Ashvalayana Srauta Sutra, Part II, Ed. by B.B. Chaubey (1990).
  48. Ashvalayana Srauta Sutra, Part III, Ed. by G.C. Ojha (1996).
  49. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts, Part-II by Prof. Damodar Jha and Dr. Ramesh Chander Sharma (1999).
  50. Ashvalayana Srauta Sutra, Siddhanta Bhasya, Ed. by Prof. Damodar Jha (2001).
  51. Dr. Siddheshwar Varma's Pahari Dictionary of 27-North Western, Himalayan Dialects Vol. I, Part I, (Kashmiri Group), Ed. by Prof. T.S. Bindra and Raghbir Singh (2003).
  52. Dr. Siddheshwar Varma's Pahari Dictionary of 27-North Western, Himalayan Dialects Vol. I, Part II, (Kangari Group), Ed. by Prof. T.S. Bindra and Raghbir Singh (2003).
  53. Dr. Siddheshwar Varma's Pahari Dictionary of 27-North Western Himalayan Dialects (Pahari Group), Vol. II, Part I, Ed. by Prof. T.S. Bindra and Raghbir Singh (2004).
  54. Dr. Siddheshwar Varma's Pahari Dictionary of 27-North Western Himalayan Dialects (Pahari Group), Vol. II, Part II, Ed. by T.S. Bindra and Raghbir Singh (2004).

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